
Keep Rolling, Keep Moving.

Everything about our lives seems questionable these days. 2020 in a politer phrase could be summed up as a year associated with 'thwarting of plans'. Plans or no plans,  the sense of a purpose dwindles.  I met my writer's block sooner than I expected. I mostly took time off to collect my thoughts, all the while, my dear ones asked with concern, "When are you publishing the next post?" Specially Mom! But how do I explain, that sometimes the will to put my thoughts out there leaves me; sometimes I want to be alone with them. Things affect the best of us and leave us feeling, 'what for?'  Feeling lost, numb or in the throes of a predicament from where everything else seems a blur is nothing new for many of us. Every time, it feels that we surpassed the last and hit a whole new rock bottom.  The absurdity of living, of waking up, and doing chores to an end, we all can't change. Speaking about absurdity reminded me of an  absurd hero, 'Sisyphus'.  J


A hug is like sharing space with someone, giving love unconditionally and being at ease. Like an essential drug, it has more potency than words said. With it's welcoming spirit, it removes any ounce of tension that could have been there prior to its happening.  If we get down to economics, hugs are cost free, effective and produce great results! A curve that hath no diminishing probability! Imagine you want to get something done but you are not sure if only talking would lead to the desired outcome. We explain and detail why so but somehow we get a frown. A hug, the long cuddly one, can let them know our concern more effectively than the pep talk we gave before it. Hugs fill the gaps left empty by communication. I wish we hugged more often and carefree just how the Bollywood movie "Munna Bhai" recommended it.  But these socially distant rules have made us rethink even our warm hugs that were a part of our routine social lives. Imagine making a list of who we can hug apart

Body Talk

Body Talk Waking up,  A hankering  A discontent. Wishing to Modify an Entire being,  A new person be. The itching pain. Glancing mirrors, Fighting images. If few kilos lost, If fairer tone. Obsess, worry And suffocate self esteem. Losing battles  Unknown to kin. This hollow pain.   Fatal insecurities, Letting down. Changing bits To impress And compete.  How to Satiate this pang?  That hunger pain. Manic diets,  Exhausting runs, Intimidating  Protruding chums, Round belly, Double Chin, Flabby arm. The bitter pain. Popping pills, Puking nights, Cold sharp Instruments Poking skin. Taking it far, Every odd Evened out. Chubby cheeks For bony ones. Sickly the Obsession Becomes. That bloody pain.  Unhealthy  Comparisons, Shake systems. Polluting minds Choke the air. Nervous Sad Every victim. A prison the Skin becomes. The unbearable pain. Awake mid nights, Scrolling through, Wish lists and Shopping carts. Menacing mind Thinking twice, Before buying Tighter jeans, Shorter shorts. Buying to fil

Let's Accept!

Feeling blue made me accept my mother's invitation to help her out with some spring cleaning and with my father not around she decided to clean his side of the closet first. Unlike my mother he isn't bothered by clutter, even if it's something he has no need for. So she ended up cleaning out dust balls and putting every item back neatly where it had been. At first, I felt cross how could my mother who practiced minimalism put up with junk that was outdated and not required? I started berating, "Mom! Why is Dad holding onto all these things? How come you taught us about declutter but not him?"   She educates me, "It's his wish, we can't force anyone to change!"  Clearly 'Moms Wisdom' to declutter did not apply to my Dad! Yet she was right, it wasn't a government diktat or a compulsion regulated by health advisers that my father had to adhere to.  This did not stop her from reorganizing his drawers. I wanted to tell her how she was acc

There Came A Storm Today

There came a storm today Raging the streets and pathways I wonder if it had already known Ravaged we had been by an unknown They say you must learn to live with it What will life be if you get sick with it? Smothering worries plague each day 'What-ifs' not answered till today Every dawn starts with a plan to cope Trying to save the wavering hope We wear masks our emotions hidden Angry and helpless some of us bedridden Kids wander at home all day With no one to go out and play Happy that they are safe inside This new life is God's design? What did we seek? What did we find? A shrouded shiver that spellbinds A pneumonic cell that loves none Yet clings and embraces everyone This enigma's code we can't solve It unties patience, strength and resolve No caste, creed, colour its partial to Yet unfair games it plays this who  Like Red ourselves we hide From this Big Bad wolf h idden inside Our uneasy manic lives. Where are they now, those Avengers?  Was endgame their last v

Let's Put Things Back In Their Place (Poem)

Let's Put Things Back In Their Place Socially distant we hide Many locked safe inside Myriad things come to mind Evolve we can in the grind Ignorant we were in our space Now far from that blissful place Cut down was our selfish pace Left alone with our fears to face   I wish we all had paid attention Air Ocean faced contamination Empty talks reeked pretension Save Greta's brave exertion Conscious of all his deeds done Man hath Mother Nature undone   This agony She had silently borne Time would come for us to mourn So now we bear the wrath Of Nature and the aftermath Will we never learn to care Unless death in our face stare How we wish we had been kind And done things of a different kind Reminiscing what could have been  Now, anxious of the future unseen An important lesson we can learn If only we are willing to take a turn To Put Things Back In Their Place For Nature and her mindful grace With awareness learn to thrive And gratitude for being alive Lovingly care for Mother Ear

Mom says Give in To Win..

What is life without a fight? Our life is about the self and we indulge in it. We argue, fight and defend. When it comes to making a point we love to be on top! It gives our ego a boost and we relish another battle conquered. Humans are byproducts of their own egos and cannot do without outwitting one another. Emboldened by the prospect of triumph, we refuse to step down. Those discomforted or hurt by our careless and callous attitude tend to move away from us or even resent us behind our backs. But to win each time would mean a lonely life. Amid the pandemic our living situation with our families could be described as becoming too close for our comfort! Why so? With everyone locked down under one roof we were constantly in each others cross hairs. The result was unavoidable situations where we ended up having quarrels even over the slightest criticism. Fresh off the boat from a tiff, I was contemplating a response because someone had offended me. My mother saw that I had been twit