A hug is like sharing space with someone, giving love unconditionally and being at ease. Like an essential drug, it has more potency than words said.
With it's welcoming spirit, it removes any ounce of tension that could have been there prior to its happening. If we get down to economics, hugs are cost free, effective and produce great results! A curve that hath no diminishing probability!
Imagine you want to get something done but you are not sure if only talking would lead to the desired outcome. We explain and detail why so but somehow we get a frown. A hug, the long cuddly one, can let them know our concern more effectively than the pep talk we gave before it. Hugs fill the gaps left empty by communication.
I wish we hugged more often and carefree just how the Bollywood movie "Munna Bhai" recommended it. 
But these socially distant rules have made us rethink even our warm hugs that were a part of our routine social lives.

Imagine making a list of who we can hug apart from the normal humans we know-
1. I wish to hug God for my blessings. 
2. And trees! Just like the 'Chipko Movement' that was done to initially save trees from deforestation, we can share spaces with them, reconnect and love them. They are silent recipients of all that humans do and yet contribute more than what we deserve. 
Iceland even recommends hugging trees rather than people!
In these pandemic days, hugging trees seems a more safer option than anyone outside of our homes.

But we still haven't got down to a basic. A hug, we make it so much about needing someone, seeking comfort or giving love to others that we forget to give our self this gift. Laugh it off if you want to. But when your alone give it a try. Its the remedy we all need. Spread the arms eagle-style and then flap back to catch yourself just for a minute everyday. Many a times I think, why wasn't I giving and receiving this before? 
At first one feels little embarrassed doing so, but then just when you are about to let go, you start feeling maybe you can hold it for a few seconds longer..  
A Self-hug a day could save us from breaking points! 
If we live this expression, truly embody it by loving our self imagine the barriers we could overcome. People often say 'give yourself a pat on the back' and 'be proud of what you have done.' Then it is not far-fetched to say, "Hug Yourself!"
This isn't promoting narcissism in any way, for what its worth it is promoting safe self-care in a self-reliant way! Just like taking a bath, washing hands and eating right, this too is something that should be taught to everyone, starting with toddlers. A survival 101.

Not taking away the credit of those who hug us and let us know we are loved, but we do need to start giving our self this satisfying, healing, anxiety-ridding gesture. Having time for social media, online shopping, chit chats, eating, cooking, cleaning, working from home etc have made us creatures of habit and so we lost time to hug the one that gives us the energy to make it all happen.
Loving Yourself is as important as breathing, take all the time you need but do it right. Inhale and love all the imperfections that make you who you are share by talking to yourself, and while you are giving yourself that warm tight hug, exhale and let go the fears and anxiety that hold you back.


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