There Came A Storm Today

There came a storm today
Raging the streets and pathways
I wonder if it had already known
Ravaged we had been by an unknown

They say you must learn to live with it
What will life be if you get sick with it?

Smothering worries plague each day
'What-ifs' not answered till today
Every dawn starts with a plan to cope
Trying to save the wavering hope
We wear masks our emotions hidden
Angry and helpless some of us bedridden

Kids wander at home all day
With no one to go out and play
Happy that they are safe inside
This new life is God's design?

What did we seek? What did we find?
A shrouded shiver that spellbinds
A pneumonic cell that loves none
Yet clings and embraces everyone
This enigma's code we can't solve
It unties patience, strength and resolve

No caste, creed, colour its partial to
Yet unfair games it plays this who 
Like Red ourselves we hide
From this Big Bad wolf hidden inside
Our uneasy manic lives.

Where are they now, those Avengers? 
Was endgame their last venture?
Even mutants and superpowers cannot foil
This pandemic where caregivers toil

Word by word we follow news
No update escaping our views
Ears open waiting an arrival
A vaccine for mankind's survival
A new lease of life that could efface
This man-made monster without a face

There came a storm today
Whirlpools of dust it lay
Desolated it was by the human state
A witness to the perennial storm
That raged inside me and you 
and everyone we ever knew

- by Anura Jain


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