Let's Put Things Back In Their Place (Poem)

Let's Put Things Back In Their Place

Socially distant we hide
Many locked safe inside
Myriad things come to mind
Evolve we can in the grind

Ignorant we were in our space
Now far from that blissful place
Cut down was our selfish pace
Left alone with our fears to face  

I wish we all had paid attention
Air Ocean faced contamination
Empty talks reeked pretension
Save Greta's brave exertion

Conscious of all his deeds done
Man hath Mother Nature undone  
This agony She had silently borne
Time would come for us to mourn

So now we bear the wrath
Of Nature and the aftermath
Will we never learn to care
Unless death in our face stare

How we wish we had been kind
And done things of a different kind
Reminiscing what could have been 
Now, anxious of the future unseen

An important lesson we can learn
If only we are willing to take a turn
To Put Things Back In Their Place
For Nature and her mindful grace

With awareness learn to thrive
And gratitude for being alive
Lovingly care for Mother Earth
We pay the debt of our birth 

-- by Anura Jain


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