Body Talk

Body Talk

Waking up, 
A hankering 
A discontent.
Wishing to
Modify an
Entire being,
 A new person be.

The itching pain.

Glancing mirrors,
Fighting images.
If few kilos lost,
If fairer tone.
Obsess, worry
And suffocate
self esteem.
Losing battles 
Unknown to kin.

This hollow pain.
Fatal insecurities,
Letting down.
Changing bits
To impress
And compete. 
How to
Satiate this pang? 

That hunger pain.

Manic diets, 
Exhausting runs,
Protruding chums,
Round belly,
Double Chin,
Flabby arm.

The bitter pain.

Popping pills,
Puking nights,
Cold sharp
Poking skin.
Taking it far,
Every odd
Evened out.
Chubby cheeks
For bony ones.
Sickly the

That bloody pain. 

Shake systems.
Polluting minds
Choke the air.
Nervous Sad
Every victim.
A prison the
Skin becomes.

The unbearable pain.

Awake mid nights,
Scrolling through,
Wish lists and
Shopping carts.
Menacing mind
Thinking twice,
Before buying
Tighter jeans,
Shorter shorts.
Buying to fill
An empty need,
Fading yet
Searching answers
How to widen
Thigh gap? 

That worrisome pain.

If Viewership
Sagging layers
On the chin,
On the hip,
On the tummy.
No photo shop,
No filter,
Engrossing hours,
Boggling minds,
Be applied.

That nagging pain.

A talking mirror  
pray invent, 
Daily will
Talk sense 
And influence.
Proudly admit,
Can't be a 100
or a 101.

Forgo the mental pain.

Work out,
Take care,
Overkill no fun.
If you must
  From within. 
This exterior, 
Is just skin,
It will wither.
One day,
Anti-age serums
Too will say
Time can't stay
Every stage,
Was worth the wait.
Be an original 
Not anyone.

Curing the pain.

Love Yourself!
Exercise caution, 
Overeating and 
Starving are
Don't stress
For fitting in
That dress.
That party.
That troop.

Guilty-free pain.

Beautiful since
 The day born.
Colour and weight
Do not define,
This flesh,
they called
A mess.

--by Anura Jain


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